Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Knowing to Use Ayurveda Copper Water Bottle Correctly is Essential

Confirming the healthful benefits of copper there is much science. In its health benefits a role is played by the material, design, and shape of a copper vessel. In small amounts copper ions dissolve in that water when for at least 8 hours you store water in a copper vessel such a copper.

To destroy harmful fungi, bacteria, microbes, etc. this water now has the potency and this is known as Oligo dynamic Effect.

By the Vedic Indians this unique property of copper was recognized. Based on the teachings of Ayurveda it was eventually incorporated into a daily practice, and is now increasing in popularity around the world and being cultivated by many cultures.

Drink Water Safely and Correctly from a Copper Vessel

The quality of copper used in copper vessels is the very first factor that could negatively affect your health. Ensure that he is an authentic Ayurveda copper seller and has a reputation amongst the Ayurvedic community whichever brand you choose. Before purchasing ask questions if not sure.
Using a natural acidic solution such as water and lemon do not forget to rinse it thoroughly before using the freshly bought copper vessel, such as a water bottle, lota, or cup.

To allow the process of Oligo dynamic to take place, prior to initial consumption the vessel or clay water bottle must be filled with water for about 6-8 hours.

Filling the copper cup or water bottle with water at night is the best way to reap the benefits of this traditional custom. Overnight by your bedside let it rest. It is ready for consumption the next day.

All day long, you don’t need to drink water from copper vessels although there are numerous benefits. If you have a copper waterbottle, once in the evening, once in the morning, twice a day, and you can choose to re-fill it regularly and carry it all day.

To keep your water free of harmful bacteria and fresh the copper bottle will continue and this is not harmful.

Drinking Water in a Copper Vessel is a Best Copper Source

To sustain life on this planet water is the most essential element. Water makes up 70 per cent of human body. The practice of storing water in containers made of copper is followed by our grandmothers and our ancestors even in ancient times.

You may have not known this. Safeguarding drinking water was your aim but there's more in this.
In today's modern world where to purify water we have UV filters and RO purifiers, it may sound old-fashioned and not needed to store water in metal containers.  However, in ancient texts of Ayurveda several scientific studies support this age-old practice of drinking water from copper water bottle referenced.

A natural purification process is created by storing water in a copper vessel. Present in the water it can kill all the moulds, microorganisms, bacteria, and algae fungi. This could make the water perfectly fit for drinking and not be harmful to the body.

In addition, a certain quality from the copper is acquired by water stored in a copper vessel, at least for four hours or preferably overnight. Vital to human health an essential trace mineral is copper. It has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and anti-carcinogenic properties. Toxins are neutralized by it.

The body cannot synthesize copper unlike some nutritional elements, from dietary sources so you need to get it. Organ meats, seafood, lentils, whole grains, seeds, nuts, cereals, chocolate, some dark green leafy vegetables, peas, and potatoes are the best dietary sources of copper.

Another easy way to supply your body with enough copper is drinking 2 to 3 glasses of water that has been stored in an earthen waterbottle. According to Ayurveda, all three doshas (Kapha, Vata and Pitta) can be balanced by drinking copper-enriched water first in the morning on an empty stomach.
Of several metabolic processes and different organs this also ensures proper functioning. So, there are many factors that make drinking water from a copper vessel beneficial for you