Wednesday, 27 December 2017

The Various Methods of Making Pure Water

So much has been done to ruin the world and so little could be done to restore it. Even the most basic of all resources have become scarce because of contamination that could harm people's body. One example of this is water.

Although there are some who would gamble and use dirty water, there are still those who would want to be safe and use clean water. Thanks to technology, hope is just around the bend, especially now that we have the knowledge to produce pure water from earthen drinking water dispenser.

Pure water, or purified water, is water that has undergone processes to have its impurities removed. To purify water there are many waysnamely double-distillation, distillation,micro porous filtration, deionization, electro dialysis,carbon filtration,ultrafiltration, reverse osmosisorultraviolet oxidation. As processing of water became more advance, so are the methods used until it has come to this day where combinations of these methods are used.

Depending on what type of method used, you would yield varying kinds of pure water in terms of the level of purity. Using copper water bottle is good for health.

The first method is called distillation. The kind of pure water produced by this method is water that has not more than 10 µS/cm electrical conductivity and less than 10 mg/L of dissolved solids. What happens in distillation is water is boiled then is later condensed. The steam produced in the process would go to a clean container. In this process, the solid contamination would then be separated from the water since solids cannot be turned into steam. The container from where the leftover is placed would assume a white or yellowish product. It is because of this product that the leftover container is required to be cleaned on a regular basis. The downside of distilled water is the fact that it does not assure you of bacteria free water. Risk of bacterial contamination is always present because the bottle used to contain the distilled water may not be sterilized.

The second method is the double-distillation. It is done through distilling the water twice.

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